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Once cancelled you'll be billed no further. Access to our site content, however, remains until your paid-for term ends. For example, if you buy a one month membership on January 1, and cancel on January 2, your paid access remains for the balance of January. You would not, however, be rebilled any further.
To view your subscription status and cancel, if desired, click here: Look Up or Cancel Subscription.
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Membership fees are non-refundable. However, if you're dissatisfied with any aspect of our site, we would appreciate hearing from you. Please be specific if there is a problem. Often a user's poor experience is correctable - a malfunction, missconfiguration, or operational misunderstanding. Please do contact us for assistance. We pride ourselves on quality and customer service.
Any charge on your credit card statement will appear discreetly as NEW ERA along with our US telephone number +1 650-276-0356.
Yes. Any zip files, videos, or photos that you've downloaded to your personal computer may be viewed in perpetuity. Remember, however, that you have a single use, personal license. Please do not share or post such content for others to view as that would be a copyright violation... and copyright penalties can be nasty.
All photo sets, in all sizes, are available as ZIP files for downloading to your computer.
All videos, in all sizes, are available for downloading to your computer.
Yes. All content you see has been created by our own photographers and videographers. Our content is unique (exclusive) to our site.
Many of our models are local amateurs; some have never modeled nude before! Others are experienced models that you may find elsewhere.
Yes; most videos are available in cross-platform MP4 format. For earlier WMV and Quicktime content, please see Playing our Videos on Macs and Windows.
Our servers are connected to an ultra-high speed 100 Mbps internet tier, however your download speed may be limited by your broadband connection limitations.
If you're experiencing slow downloads:
Our high definition videos use the most modern H.264 encoding and require a modern processor with a discrete graphics card to play smoothly. If you have an older machine, or a machine without a dedicated graphics card, you may prefer to stay with SD videos. Note that DOWNLOAD-ing the video to your local disk first and then playing your local copy will usually provide smoother playback.
Please visit our Contact page for our e-mail and telephone numbers. We have numbers in both San Francisco and London. If you happen to reach our voice mail, please leave a message. We will call you back, usually the same day if during our office hours!